Take back control of your
finances this tax season

If you’re behind on bookkeeping and taxes, you’re in the right
place. With PocketBooks Retro, a specialized team of experts
gets you caught up, ready to file back taxes, and in the clear for
tax season and beyond.

Pocket Books

What you get with PocketBooks

Pocket Books
Emergency support

Letters from the IRS? Years of back taxes
to be filed? Missing records? No matter
what challenges your business is facing, PocketBooks Retro has you covered.

Pocket Books
Affordable payment plans

The cost of catching up on your
bookkeeping shouldn’t be a dealbreaker
for your business. Whatever your situation,
we’ll work with you to create a customized
package with a clear payment plan.

Pocket Books
Fast turnaround times

We complete years of overdue
bookkeeping—fast. That means you get
complete and accurate books back quickly
to use them for whatever you need.

Customized bookkeeping plans
and unlimited support

Every business is unique. No matter your business situation (or
how many years of back taxes), we can handle any amount of
retroactive bookkeeping.

  • No job is too big
    Your PocketBooks Retro specialist will work with you to figure out
    exactly what’s outstanding, help with document collection, and
    implement a custom plan to get your books done quick.
  • Leave the heavy lifting to us
    Your PocketBooks Retro team will work with you on a bookkeeping
    deadline to ensure that your books get done fast. And they’ll be on
    hand to keep you in the loop every step of the way.
  • Year End Financials for stress-free filing
    Behind big time on tax filing? PocketBooks Retro provides a Year
    End Financial Package for each year of retroactive bookkeeping
    completed—so you can get caught up, filed, and in the clear.
Pocket Books
Pocket Books

Simple, straightforward pricing
made for small business

On the fence? Try us for free! We’ll do a month of bookkeeping
so you can try our services risk-free. Pricing starts at

Flexible pricing
The cost of bookkeeping shouldn’t be a dealbreaker. That’s why
we’ll work with you to build a custom payment plan that works
for you (and your bottom line).

Build your own bookkeeping plan
Inactive business? Months or years of incomplete books? Close
old books once and for all without the hefty price tag—you’ll
never be charged with additional fees or hourly rates.

Ready to learn more?

A PocketBooks historical bookkeeping specialist will be happy to provide guidance on your current
bookkeeping situation and explain whether PocketBooks Retro might be a good fit for your

let customers
speak for

Now that PocketBooks has a tax solution service, they’re a ‘one stop shop’ for small businesses to manage their books and taxes.

Subba Rao

Ripping your hair out at tax time? All I have to say is I’m so glad I used PocketBooks last year!


This is the first year where it’s tax season and I don’t feel anxious one bit.

Veerpal Singh

Everything you need to know
about tax prep and filing when
you’re behind

Overwhelmed by letters from the IRS or years of back taxes? The
first step is up-to-date financials. Here you’ll find articles and
resources to help you get started.

  • Will the Inflation Reduction Act Increase Audits for Small
    Business Taxpayers?
  • What Happens If You Don’t File Taxes For Your Business
  • How Long Can You Go Without Filing Taxes?
  • What’s the Penalty for Filing Taxes Late?
  • Why Bookkeeping is an Important First Step in Settling Your
    Tax Debt
  • How to File Taxes for a Previous Year
  • Managing Back Taxes: 7 Tips for Sorting Out Your Tax
  • How Far Back Can the Income Tax Audit?
  • Tax Relief Programs: Sorting Out Your Back Taxes


Yes! We regularly help clients that are 5+ (or even 10+!) years behind on their bookkeeping.

Once we have all the documents we need, we can complete a year of bookkeeping in just a few days!

Never. Our pricing is fixed and crystal clear. We’ll always quote for historical bookkeeping upfront, with no hourly rates or hidden charges.

We take as much bookkeeping off your plate as possible. But we’ll need your help collecting statements and answering questions that come up along the way.

Let us know about any deadlines right away. We’re pros at completing books quickly, and we’ll do whatever we can to help you hit that deadline!

Of course. Once we have your consent, we can give third-party access to your account to whoever needs it.